The Basics of website design…
Does your website:
1) Clearly answer “Who I am,” “What I do,” and/or “What can you (the visitor) do here.”?
If visitors can’t identify what it is you do within seconds, they won’t stick around long.
2) Resonate with the target audience?
Speak to the right people in their language. Avoid “corporate gobbledygook,” and eliminate the fluff.
3) Communicate a compelling value-proposition?
When a visitor arrives on your website, it needs to compel them to stick around so that they choose to stay on your website and not navigate to your competitors.
4) Optimized for multi-device usability?
A good website needs to be easy to navigate and contain no “flashy” objects that get in the way of browsing. Examples are flash banners, animations, pop-ups, or overly-complicated and unnecessary elements. A good website should also be mobile-optimized, which is an incredibly important must-have in today’s mobile world.
5) Include calls-to-action (CTAs)?
Examples include “Free Trial,” “Schedule a Demo,” “Buy Now,” or “Learn More.” Remember, the goal of the CTA is to compel visitors to dig deeper into your website. CTAs tell them what to do next so they don’t get overwhelmed or lost.
6) Frequently change?
The best websites are not always static. Keep your website “fresh” by regularly adding new or modifying existing content.
7) Employ great overall design?
A well-designed website is important to building trust, communicating value, and navigating visitors to the next step. The effective use layout, CTA placement, whitespace, colors, fonts, and other supporting elements.
There are some basics to consider when creating or redesigning a website for your needs.
What basic information do you need to have on your website?
Obviously, you need to have the information about your product or, service but there are some important bits of information that are also needed.
- About you – people like to know something about you that may give them insight to why they should do business with you. Your experience in your industry, your abilities and how long you have been in business all help.
- Contact info – be sure to make it easy for interested parties to contact you by email, phone and the postal service.
- Testimonials – from clients will add to your credibility.
- Photographs – of your business, staff product not only add some “life” to you website but help your visitors identify with you.
Keep It Simple… the average person will make a decision to go further into your website within the first 10 to 15 seconds of arriving! Design your website to be inviting by making it easy to read and understand and making the navigation clear and consistent. “Bells and Whistles” should only be used when they add value to the information. Otherwise… stick with the basics.
And… if you are not sure if you even need a web site?
You may want to read this article.
[I wrote this from my experience in both the print design and web design industries.]
“Value Added” Elements for your Web Site
As the Internet has grown, many additional elements are now available to help deliver “Your Message” to your website visitors.
- Photo Galleries of your services, product or customers can tell more about your business than just words.
- Audio and Video clips are excellent “Value Added” components that are easy to add to your site and not that expensive to create.
- Blogs are another popular component that can provide direct interaction with you visitors and/or customers.